A recipe for Hangin’ Together MAKOMnj style

1 part fun

1 part community

A sprinkle of Judaism

Mix all together for an hour or more

Relationships are nurtured and Jewish life is celebrated as we build community.


For Shabbat and Holiday events visit the “Shabbat and Holiday” tab.

Purim is coming!

Learn to Hamantachen in person!

Sunday March 4th at 1pm

Location: MAKOMnj Homebase (address will be sent after registration is received)

Fee: $18 per house hold

Click here to register 


We look forward to in person events when it is safe to gather.

Shabbat Dinner

Get to know the MAKOMnj community in a more intimate way at a casual potluck Shabbat dinner.  Dinner is called for 6:30 pm at Rabbi Miller’s home. We begin with the traditional Shabbat blessings and then a delicious meal! MAKOMnj will cook the chicken and bake the challah.

You bring a salad, side dish or dessert.  Be creative and be sure to be nut free.​


No dates scheduled for  Shabbat dinner due to social distancing.

Click here to register and for location information.


“Welcome Shabbat”

Gather on the second Friday of the month for “Welcome Shabbat,” a Shabbat experience with song and prayer. Come as you are to this family friendly, joyful way to start Shabbat in an atmosphere that is spiritual and uplifting.


No dates for “Welcome Shabbat” due to social distancing

Click here to register and for location information.

Mitzvah Opportunity

It is our privilege to perform mitzvot, sacred deeds, and acts of loving kindness.

The Spring Street CDC is looking for help

Monday-Friday at its daily Soup Kitchen

Thursdays at its weekly food pantry


Click here to register to be a  Spring Street CDC volunteer

Challah Baking!  New Date coming soon!

Learn to bake challah at Rabbi Miller’s home

We will make the challah-lujah recipe from start to finish.


Torah and Topics: No Experience Needed

Discuss current issues that we face in the world and see how Jewish values can guide us during difficult or uncertain times. No previous Torah study is needed in fact this is the perfect opportunity for anyone who is curious about Jewish learning. In a relaxed setting a new topic will be discussed each month.
Topics will include: Is it every okay to lie? What is our responsibility to the environment? What does Jewish tradition have to say about immigration?


Click here to register and for location information.




A Few Past Events


Bubbe Meises & Superstitions        

Looking for something to do now that all the good TV shows have ended?  Come learn why we say, “I will keep my fingers crossed for you” or why rain on a wedding day is good luck.

Judaism has lots of superstitious traditions.  Come learn about the rationale behind them and share your favorites too.



Learn to Bake Rugulach         
Come and learn the history of this delicious treat and how to make a tried and true version of cinnamon rugulach that can be adapted for other flavors.

Click here for the recipe  so that you can prep the dough in advance if you would like and then bake along with Rabbi Miller Via Zoom