Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin

Ben Zoma says: Who is wise? He who learns from every person. – Pirkei Avot 4:1

MAKOMnj’s Learning Program

It’s where learning comes alive.



The MAKOMnj LEARNING PROGRAM is based on a culture of kindness where each student and each family feels valued. We affirm the choices families make Jewishly and help students and families to apply Jewish values to their lives with ease.


We offer two types of experiences.

Our in-person experience is on Sunday mornings from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

On Sunday mornings students learn about Jewish values and Jewish history.  Hebrew is taught separately during the week. Each child gets private lessons with a teacher via zoom.  Students sign up for 20 minute time slots according to their schedule.


Our 100% Virtual online program is Wednesdays from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm on zoom.

Hebrew is taught separately during the week. Each child gets private lessons with a teacher via zoom.  Students sign up for 20 minute time slots according to their schedule.



What does our in-person Sunday morning of learning look like?

When it is safe to be inside, the students come in to our Morristown “Homebase” location at 10am, kick off their shoes and take a seat at the table.  We chat about the week that has passed while we wait for everyone to arrive.  Next, we move to the family room since we often start with a video to introduce the main topic of the day.  We return to the table and dive deeper into the topic with discussions and projects.  Since our learning is hands on, we often go into the kitchen to cook, go outside to play games, or do a scavenger hunt around the house.  We end the day reviewing what we have learned and jotting a few notes in our thought journals.


This class will meet on Sunday mornings from 10:00am-11:00am

Best Rate Ever deal $1000 per student

Click here to register for our in person Sunday morning class






100% Virtual Learning for grades 3-6

MAKOM@HOME is perfect for families who are looking for Jewish learning from the comfort of their home.  Student will meet via zoom for a 30 minute lesson based on Jewish values and Jewish History and have private tutorial time with a teacher for Hebrew learning.

This class will meet on Wednesdays at 4:00pm-4:30pm

Best Rate Ever deal $1000 per student

Click here to register for our online, afternoon class


Class size will be limited to 10 students.

Additional class times will be added as needed.



Teen Program                                 Best Deal Ever Rate: $136        Click here to register.

Grades 8-12 meet once a month.

In addition to their monthly program, students in grades 8-12 can serve as teacher’s helpers on Sunday mornings 10:00 am-11:00 am.



Click here to visit the pictures page to see pictures of the kids learning in action! 


Check back for the schedule of dates for this upcoming year.